Saturday, May 4 & Sunday, May 5

Please check the map of participating homes on the evening of May 3 to see the dates and times the various individual households are participating

Sponsored by the W.P. Highlands Civic Association, Inc.

Set up and sell any time between 8am-4pm (times will vary by household)


Come to the White Plains Highlands Neighborhood.

We ask that if you are driving through the streets of our community to find potential treasures, please be mindful of people walking in or crossing streets and take care when parking your vehicles.

The link below will bring you to a list of participating households organized by street. The list includes the days and times they are participating as well as a brief description of items being sold , if provided. There is also a map showing the location of each household. No early birds please.

Thank you for supporting our community yard sale. We hope you find some great bargains!


Get ready…

…to empty your filled-to-the-brim garages, overflowing closets, and jam-packed attics
by participating in the Highlands Giant Community Yard Sale.

How does it work?

By coordinating a single weekend for our community yard sale we will create a giant event. The WPHCA will take care of all the signs and advertising. All you need to do is sell from your own yard.

The yard sale will be promoted on free websites and social media that advertise yard sales and on websites and other media where a fee is charged. The yard sale will be featured on the WPHCA Facebook group (1000+ members), signs posted throughout the Highlands, and other local Facebook groups.  

Participating households will be asked to contribute $10 to support the effort and will be included in a special street-by-street listing on the Association website to help buyers find your location. The following information will be shared: Street address, days you are participating, your personal selling times, and an optional short description (up to 100 words) of the items you are offering.

Participation signup deadline is no later than Wednesday, April 24

Sellers cannot offer guns, alcohol, pornography, cannabis, or fireworks, or any items which violate local ordinances.

Email questions to: highlandsfriends@gmail.com