Highlands Book Club
For general Book Club info or to learn how to join, please scroll down.
Meeting dates and book selections for the beginning of 2025.
Locations TBD. (Note you only need to attend one meeting date, but feel free to attend both if you’d like.)
Jan 15&16 - “Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone" by Benjamin Stevenson
Feb 19&20 - "Foster" by Claire Keegan
Mar 19&20 - "The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder" by David Grann
Past Book Club Selections
November: James by Percival Everett.
September: Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
Members at the September 19th meeting rated this book 3.5 out of 5.
People liked it but didn't love it.
The WPHCA Book Club is an informal club that will pick a book to read and then meet at a local coffee shop or restaurant or even at a member’s house for discussion, snacks and community. We will aim to meet every other month to start and choose books that are easily accessible at the library, local shop or perhaps borrowing a neighbor's copy. The Highlands Book Club will be open to all adults in the neighborhood.Thanks
The goal is to meet the third week of the month on Wed and Thurs, with members being able to alternate which day of the week depending on their schedules. RIght now sticking with 7pm as a start time.
People can always suggest new books and we'll add them to the list of books we vote on for our next selection. Should I set up a gmail address you think for Book Club so new members can reach out if interested or if people have a book suggestion but aren't on our already existing WhatsApp chain?
If you are not already on the Book Club email thread or the Book Club What’s App , please email us at highlandswpbookclub@gmail.com to be added. We also have a WhatsApp Group to communicate (https://chat.whatsapp.com/JD71Q0WM9d37atfX1PymB0).
Expressing interest is not a firm commitment to participate, and you can still read the book and come discuss even if you don’t sign up. Thank you.
=============================================================================== El Club de lectura de WPHCA es un club informal que elige un libro para leer y luego se reúne en una cafetería o restaurante local o incluso en la casa de un miembro para conversar, tomar refrigerios y participar en la comunidad. Intentaremos reunirnos cada dos meses para comenzar y elegir libros que sean fácilmente accesibles en la biblioteca, la tienda local o tal vez pidiendo prestado una copia a un vecino. El Highlands Book Club estará abierto a todos los adultos del vecindario. Gracias. El objetivo es reunirse la tercera semana del mes los miércoles y jueves, y los miembros podrán alternar el día de la semana según sus horarios. Ahora mismo mantenemos las 7 p. m. como hora de inicio. La gente siempre puede sugerir libros nuevos y los agregaremos a la lista de libros que votamos para nuestra próxima selección. ¿Debería configurar una dirección de Gmail para el Club de lectura para que los nuevos miembros puedan comunicarse si están interesados o si las personas tienen una sugerencia de libro pero no están en nuestra cadena de WhatsApp ya existente? Si aún no está en el hilo de correo electrónico del Club de lectura o en la aplicación What's del Club de lectura, envíenos un correo electrónico a highlandswpbookclub@gmail.com para que lo agreguemos. También contamos con un Grupo de WhatsApp para comunicarnos (https://chat.whatsapp.com/JD71Q0WM9d37atfX1PymB0). Expresar interés no es un compromiso firme de participar, y aún puedes leer el libro y venir a discutir incluso si no te registras. Gracias.